
Perillinen Wikistä
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Huomautus: Selaimen välimuisti pitää tyhjentää asetusten tallentamisen jälkeen, jotta muutokset tulisivat voimaan.

  • Firefox ja Safari: Napsauta Shift-näppäin pohjassa Päivitä, tai paina Ctrl-F5 tai Ctrl-R (⌘-R Macilla)
  • Google Chrome: Paina Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R Macilla)
  • Internet Explorer: Napsauta Ctrl-näppäin pohjassa Päivitä tai paina Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Valikko → Asetukset (Opera → Asetukset Macilla) ja sitten Tietosuoja ja turvallisuus → Tyhjennä selaustiedot → Välimuistissa olevat kuvat ja tiedostot.
/* <pre class="wrap"><nowiki> */

/* Tämä sivu sisältää koko sivustoa muuttavia tyylejä. */
body {
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.sitenotice-nav { display: none; }

/* Fix size issues between different platforms */
code, pre { font-size: 10pt !important; }

/* Class to force links to be underlined 
To use: <span class="underlinelink">[[link]]</span>  --Paulgb */
.underlinelink a { text-decoration: underline ! important; }
/* Class to force links to be not underlined - See .underlinelink for use -Paulgb */
.nounderlinelink a { text-decoration: none !important; }
.nounderlinelink a:hover { text-decoration: underline !important; }
.forum_title a.forum_new { font-weight: bold; }
.forum_title a.forum_new:visited { font-weight: normal; }
.allpagesredirect { font-style: italic; }

/* buttons and input boxes */
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/* pre style override */
pre.nostyle {
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pre.wrap {
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	white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;  /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
	white-space: -pre-wrap;      /* Opera 4-6 */
	white-space: -o-pre-wrap;    /* Opera 7 */
	word-wrap: break-word;       /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */

/* this class can be used in the content area to make a link appear like a new page link */
#bodyContent .redlink a { color: #ba0000; }
#bodyContent .redlink a.new:visited { color: #a55858; }

/* Infobox template styling */
.infobox {
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.infobox table.infoboxtable {
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.infobox td.infoboximage {
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.infobox th.infoboxheading {
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.infobox th.infoboxsubheading {
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.infobox td.infoboxlabel, .infobox td.infoboxcell {
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/*	border-top: 1px solid #999;
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/* ugly hack to force normal height for infobox cells */
.infoboxcell p {
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/* .infoboxcell ul { list-style-type: disc; } */

.infoboxcell ul {
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.infoboxcell ul li {
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.infobox div.plainlinks {
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.infobox div.plainlinks a {
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/* class for forum navigation templates */
.forumheader {
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	border: none; 
	padding: 5px;

/* class for stub template styling */
/* only applies to table and div elements - avoids conflicts with preexisting a.stub */
table.stub, div.stub {
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/* class for article disambiguation templates */
.disambig {
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/* styling for MediaWiki:Edittools */
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/* Sivukohtainen CSS */
body.page-Etusivu #lastmod, 
body.page-Etusivu #siteSub, 
body.page-Etusivu #contentSub, 
body.page-Etusivu h1.firstHeading {
	display: none !important;

/* Lähdeviittausten lista pienemmäksi */
.references-small { font-size: 0.85em; }

/* rounded corners */
.rtop, .rbottom {
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	margin: 0px;

.rtop *, .rbottom * {
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.r1 { margin: 0 5px; }
.r2 { margin: 0 3px; }
.r3 { margin: 0 2px; }
.r4 {
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/* end rounded corners */

#mp3-global ul {
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#mp3-global ul li {
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#mp3-navlink #mp3-nav {
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.hoverable .hoverable-inner {
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.hoverable:hover .hoverable-inner, .hoverable.over .hoverable-inner {
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/* class for message box template styling */
.messagebox {
	clear: both;
	width: 85%;
	margin: 0px auto 3px auto;
	padding: 3px;
	font-size: 95%;

/* in-universe and out-of-universe message boxes */
.iumb, .ooumb { 
	border-width: 0;
	text-align: left;
	padding: 0;

.iumb table, .ooumb table {
	padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;
	background: transparent;
	color: inherit;

.iumb table.hidable-content, .ooumb table.hidable-content {
	padding: 0;

.iumb-icon, .ooumb-icon {
	vertical-align: middle;
	padding: 0;

.iumb-main, .ooumb-main {
	padding: 0 0 0 10px;

.iumb-caption {
	font-size: 1.3em;
	font-weight: bold;

.ooumb-caption {
	font-size: 1em;
	font-weight: bold;

.iumb-comment {
	font-size: 0.8em;

.iumb-hidable-button, .ooumb-hidable-button {
	text-align: right;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0 5px 0 0;
	font-size: 0.8em;
	vertical-align: bottom;

.iumb-table-container, .ooumb-table-container {
	width: 100%;

.iumb p {
	margin-top: 0;
	margin-bottom: 0;

/* userboxes */
.userbox {
	float: left;
	border-width: 1px;
	border-style: solid;
	margin: 1px;
	width: 238px;
	padding: 0px;

.ubx-icon {
	width: 45px;
	height: 45px;
	text-align: center;
	font-size: 14pt;
	font-weight: bold;

.ubx-main {
	font-size: 8pt;
	padding: 4pt;
	line-height: 1.25em;

#toc, .toc {
	border-width: 0;

.spoiler {
	background-color: #fff8f8;
	color: #000000;
	border-color: black;
	border-style: solid;
	border-width: 1px 0px 1px 0px;
	text-align: center;

/* forum table */
.forumlist {
	width: 100%;
	background: #f9f9f9;

.forumlist-header {
	background: #f0f0f0;

.forumlist-header th {
	text-align: left;

.forumlist th, .forumlist td {
	padding: 3px;

.ahtable {
	padding: 0;
	width: 85%;

.ahtable th, .ahtable td {
	padding: 3px;

.ahth {
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.ahtable .ahrt, .ahtable .ahrb {
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.ahf {
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.ahfstatus {
	font-weight: bold;

.hidable-button {
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	cursor: pointer;

.infobox .hidable-button {
	color: #f0f0f0;

#p-navigation .pBody, #p-interaction .pBody, #p-search .pBody, #p-tb .pBody, #p-search input {
	text-transform: lowercase;

#p-search #searchInput {
	text-transform: none;

/* new navboxes */
.nb2-wrapper {
	text-align: center;

.nb2 {
/*	margin: auto;*/
	border: 0;

.nb2-firstheading {
	color: white;
	font-size: 1.1em;
	font-weight: bold;
	padding: 3px;

.nb2-inner {
	width: 100%;

.nb2-inner th {
	font-weight: bold;

.nb2-inner td {
	font-size: 0.9em;
	text-align: center;

.nb2-end td {
	font-size: 0.85em;
	text-align: center;

.nb-edi {
	font-size: 0.85em;

.nb2 .nb-edi {
	font-size: inherit;

.nb2-end a, .nb2-end .hidable-button {
	color: #f9f9f9;
	text-transform: lowercase;
	text-decoration: none;

/* "printable version" tweaks */
@media print {
	body, #content { background: white !important; }

	/* tweaks for title-messing templates */
	#title-override {
		left: 0px !important;
		font-weight: bold !important;
		background: #f4f8ff !important;
	#title-eraicons {
		display: none !important;
		visibility: hidden !important;

	div.tleft { border: none !important; }
	div.tright { margin-left: 13px !important; }
	div.thumb { background: inherit !important; }

	h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .firstHeading {
		background: inherit !important;

	#toc {
		background: inherit !important;
		border-width: 0px !important;

	/* temporary hack; that div should be assigned class=noprint */
	.infoboxfooter { display: none !important; }

	.printfooter { background: inherit !important; }
	#catlinks, #footer { display: none !important; }

/* === Redirects in Special:AllPages and Special:Watchlist === */
.watchlistredir {
	font-style: italic;

/* === Hilighting admin/staff by Splarka === */
ul.special li a[title="Käyttäjä:SnakeQ"],
ul.special li a[title="Käyttäjä:Xd1358"] {
	font-weight: bold;

/* === Forum formatting -Algorithm & -Splarka === */
.forumheader {
	border: 1px solid #aaa;
	background-color: #f9f9f9;
	margin-top: 1em;
	padding: 12px;
.forumlist td.forum_edited a {
	color: black;
	text-decoration: none;
.forumlist td.forum_title a {
	padding-left: 20px;
.forumlist td.forum_title a.forum_new {
	font-weight: bold; background: url(http://images.wikia.com/students/images/4/4e/Forum_new.gif) center left no-repeat;
	padding-left: 20px;
.forumlist td.forum_title a.forum_new:visited {
	font-weight: normal;
	background: none;
	padding-left: 20px;
.forumlist th.forum_title {
	padding-left: 20px;

/* Värit toimintosivulla Toiminnot:Tuoreet muutokset */
.mw-plusminus-pos { color: #006400; }
.mw-plusminus-neg { color: #FF0000; }

/* Piilotetaan allekirjoituspainike artikkelinäkymässä, kiitos Splarka @ #wikimedia-tech */
body.ns-0 img#mw-editbutton-signature { display: none; }

/* Poista-nappulan poistaminen sivuilta pitkillä muokkaushistorioilla. By [[User:Grunny]] */
.page-Etusivu #control_delete,
.page-Etusivu #ca-delete {
	display: none;

/* </nowiki></pre> */